
Showing posts from July, 2019

Considering a new Pond Pump?

Why go external pump vs submersible pump on your pond or water feature? Because quality and power matter when it comes to maintaining a clean and clear pond. Typically submersible pumps are significantly under-powered to handle the amount of fish and turtle waste on hand. We always suggest to "over-plumb, over-pump, and over-filter your pond." Additionally UV lights built with slo-flow are a great addition to your water feature. We always install "pressure filters" on our projects which require high-power pumps, so we suggest buying a pump from a company with a reputation like Pentair. We are not affiliated nor do we benefit financially from this article. Out of all the new generation Pentair pumps currently offered, there are 2 pumps that are the most popular and typically what we'd install on a new koi pond or 1500+ gallon water feature. While each of these pumps has a different price point, they look the same and get similar reviews. Their inherent differen