
Showing posts from February, 2019

Considering a Pondless Waterfall vs Pond?

By researching a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions on the topic of "pond-less waterfalls," it can help you learn the different tips and tricks in various areas of plantings, tools, maintenance, installation of disappearing waterfall designs and more. Use our Frequently Asked Question pages in order to get a well rounded understanding of the topics of Pond Construction, pond design, water gardens, disappearing waterfall systems and more. How long does it usually take to install a disappearing waterfall system? Depending on the scope of the project and the design, installation may be done in as few as one day or could take one or two weeks! A majority of residential pondless waterfall designs can be installed with no or little damage to your current mature landscapes in only one to two days. Whenever you hire a professional contractor that specializes in Waterscape Construction and Design, you can rely on a team of very talented people to get in and out of you

Water Feature Management For Corporate Complexes & Campuses

Bodies of water on corporate campuses and workplaces often play a functional and aesthetic role that acts as a focal point that is impressive while also serving the purpose of a storm water management facility. The storm water facilities are used for containing water during rains and decreasing flooding to the property, to filter organic matter and sediment in a storm water runoff. The facilities managers have an understanding about the impact of maintaining a balance between function and beauty, along with other factors which can have an effect on freshwater ecosystem health. Partnering with a commercial water feature management company allows for a way to use your bodies of water to their fullest potential, and to prevent things such as clogged fountains, unpleasant odors or pond scum from reflecting badly on your business. Leave It To The Commercial Aquatic Professionals From algae and aquatic weed management , floating-fountain installation, mosquito control, and storm water inspec