
Showing posts from August, 2017

Considering a Rebuild or Repair? Make Sure to Store Your Fish

24 August, 2017 Koi Pond Maintenance When maintaining, building, or repairing a koi pond or water garden, one should consider the immense undertaking such an endeavour can be. We had an emergency call today from a client who attempted to clean their koi pond without proper equipment, and lost half of his fish in the process. Know Before You Clean Your Koi Pond Do you have enough room to store your koi fish during a thorough cleaning or repair? Replacing pond liners, both cement and rubber can require an extensive amount of time for your fish and turtles. Often times our customers will be half-way through with their rebuild or cleaning when they call for help (in which the price doubles due to our emergency fee established just for this issue). Do you know how long it will take to repair or clean your water feature? Knowing before you drain the pond is crucial and you should prepare for your fish to be out for days if not weeks before they can be safely relocated t

Managing Your Water Feature & Aquatic Plants

19 August, 2017 Lake Pond Plants Aquatic plants can add beauty to any water feature. Although they can also invade your water feature and overwhelm the ecosystem if not managed correctly. Often neglected due to beauty, plants in your water feature should be maintained like any lawn or water garden. Invasive Water Garden Plants & Pond Maintenance Plants are classified as “invasive species” when they exceed their normal parameters and begin expanding over additional territory often resulting in damage of the ecology of an environment. Various types of aggressive aquatic plants exist including submerged plants – which grow under water, emergent plants – which typically grow along shallow ends of the water/ near the shore, and floating plants – which typically float along the surface of the water attaching to the sediment or other ground-source. All should be noted and managed on a regular basis. Hi, I am considered a “highly invasive water plant” and must be mai

Lake Management Inc

Lake Management Inc provides many HOA's, Apartment Complexes, etc professional aquatic services as these are often built around large bodies of water, including custom rivers and ponds constructed within the property themselves. Managing large bodies of water including lakes, pools, etc can be a very stressful situation for many professional communities around the state of California/ Arizona where the climates are warmer and lead to an increase in not only growth of algae but also use of the water features by the people in the community.