
Considering a new Pond Pump?

Why go external pump vs submersible pump on your pond or water feature? Because quality and power matter when it comes to maintaining a clean and clear pond. Typically submersible pumps are significantly under-powered to handle the amount of fish and turtle waste on hand. We always suggest to "over-plumb, over-pump, and over-filter your pond." Additionally UV lights built with slo-flow are a great addition to your water feature. We always install "pressure filters" on our projects which require high-power pumps, so we suggest buying a pump from a company with a reputation like Pentair. We are not affiliated nor do we benefit financially from this article. Out of all the new generation Pentair pumps currently offered, there are 2 pumps that are the most popular and typically what we'd install on a new koi pond or 1500+ gallon water feature. While each of these pumps has a different price point, they look the same and get similar reviews. Their inherent differen

Considering a Pondless Waterfall vs Pond?

By researching a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions on the topic of "pond-less waterfalls," it can help you learn the different tips and tricks in various areas of plantings, tools, maintenance, installation of disappearing waterfall designs and more. Use our Frequently Asked Question pages in order to get a well rounded understanding of the topics of Pond Construction, pond design, water gardens, disappearing waterfall systems and more. How long does it usually take to install a disappearing waterfall system? Depending on the scope of the project and the design, installation may be done in as few as one day or could take one or two weeks! A majority of residential pondless waterfall designs can be installed with no or little damage to your current mature landscapes in only one to two days. Whenever you hire a professional contractor that specializes in Waterscape Construction and Design, you can rely on a team of very talented people to get in and out of you

Water Feature Management For Corporate Complexes & Campuses

Bodies of water on corporate campuses and workplaces often play a functional and aesthetic role that acts as a focal point that is impressive while also serving the purpose of a storm water management facility. The storm water facilities are used for containing water during rains and decreasing flooding to the property, to filter organic matter and sediment in a storm water runoff. The facilities managers have an understanding about the impact of maintaining a balance between function and beauty, along with other factors which can have an effect on freshwater ecosystem health. Partnering with a commercial water feature management company allows for a way to use your bodies of water to their fullest potential, and to prevent things such as clogged fountains, unpleasant odors or pond scum from reflecting badly on your business. Leave It To The Commercial Aquatic Professionals From algae and aquatic weed management , floating-fountain installation, mosquito control, and storm water inspec

Tips on How To De-Ice A Koi Pond

Tips For Winter Pond and Waterfall Maintenance During the cold weather conditions, many ponds suffer a lot of chaos and damage. The cold weather conditions causes the surface to of the pond to freeze. If you don’t handle this with proper pond care and intelligence, your koi fish could potentially be at risk. Utilizing Orange County pond management services from Lake Management Inc. can help you deal with many of the challenges that might arise with maintaining, constructing, and repairing your pond. If you aren’t sure how to handle the situation with your water feature, you can always call upon a pond maintenance expert to help you out. If your equipment ever ceases, pond appears to be leaking, or aeration shuts off - we suggest contacting a pond professional. When it comes to cold temperatures and the surface of your pond freezes, potential lack of oxygen exchange occurs. In order for the turtles, fish, and other wildlife to survive, they tend to swim to the deepest parts of the wate

Golf Course Pond And Lake Maintenance Services

Golf Course Pond And Lake Maintenance Services Water features on a golf course can significantly increase the value-perceived for that specific property. Not only are ponds and streams a bonus for the golfers, the overall tranquility and appeared value of the property is increased. We've all seen those green-murky ponds on golf courses. We more-so feel the need to avoid that golf course entirely including the water feature in front of us while golfing. Yet if we have a clean, well-maintained pond, lake, or stream in front us - challenge accepted! I'd even consider jumping into some of the water features on these golf courses if the day is hot enough and the golf course pond is maintained. While these water features seem easy enough to build, and maintain - it's quite the opposite. Each pond can easily exceed a $30,000 construction cost, not including a bi-weekly maintenance fee of $1,500 - $5,000 p/month. The trade-off is simple, yet expensive and somewhat risk if you ar

Water Feature Management Services For Orange County Apartment Communities

Water Feature Management Services For Orange County Apartment Communities Every apartment manager knows the feeling of having far too much to tackle, not enough time to do it in and feeling somewhat less-than-appreciated once everything is completed. You juggle more than most people, but your accomplishments are barely noticed, let alone valued. You deserve a change. You have earned some plaudits. Knowing an experienced commercial pond maintenance company can go a long way toward taking some items off your plate, easing your stress, and will help beautify the complex in a measurable way your tenants will notice. You might attempt to do everything on your own, but seasoned property management personnel and maintenance professionals often realize that this may not be the wisest option. In order to truly achieve sustainability in your home owners community's aquatic environment, the expert assistance of residential Lake Management can make all the difference. Lakes and ponds in apa

Monthly And Yearly Lake Management Service Plans

Monthly And Yearly Lake Management Service Plans Ensuring our clients water features are functioning at peak performance requires practical solutions in order to maintain proper water quality and overall appearance. Lake Management reviews each water feature custom to the property its located on and how it was constructed. Water features can impact any property positively and/or negatively if not managed correctly. Water features help increase beauty and value to some properties while aiding in noise reduction near high-traffic parts of areas. To help our clients avoid any problems associated with the maintenance of an appealing, healthy, natural and balanced ecosystem, we provide the most technologically advanced pond and lake management services and products throughout California. We also restore ponds and lakes to their best condition, in addition to reinstating their ecological balance, in situations where the damage is already done. Lake owners, HOA's, Apartment complexes a